RALPH Musgrave’s letter about quango jargon (HAS, Oct 1) brought a smile to my face. It encompasses everything that is wrong with central and local government.

Too often we have to wade through verbal garbage to find the true facts. I have often sat in meetings (sorry Ralph, workshops) and listened to the chair declare that we all need to be “singing from the same hymn sheet” as we all “think outside the box”.

As for new ideas (sorry Ralph, initiatives) we would often “run them up the flagpole to see how they flew”. If that failed, we often needed “blue sky thinking” to impact on our “future strategic planning”.

“Touching base” was always recommended with fellow professionals as a sign of “good practice in networking”, mainly because it may “empower you” to see “the big picture”.

Ralph need not worry about employment opportunities – unless there is a major shift in government thinking we will always need people who can make the mediocre sound marvellous.

Failing that, he could always write a book explaining all the key words and phrases so mere mortals can understand the politicians, who we all agree must get back in touch with the ordinary citizens – or is that touch base with the proletariat?

Peter Simpson, School Aycliffe, Co Durham.

RE Ralph Musgrave’s letter regarding quango jargon (HAS, Oct 1). The use of “workshop” is well established, but still an abuse of vocabulary nonetheless.

Some years ago, comedian Alexie Sayle commented that anyone who was not an engineer who referred to attending a workshop was a “t*at”. Succinct, but true.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland.