IT would seem “New Labour” has finally been laid to rest as “New Generation Labour” takes control while owing a debt of gratitude to its trade union paymasters for ignoring their own members.

David Miliband was the obvious and popular choice to succeed the dire Gordon Brown who took the Labour Party to the brink of ruin – along with the country.

I will reluctantly admit that had David Miliband won the leadership contest rather than younger brother Ed (Gordon Brown protege and writer of his manifesto), I believe Labour may well have had a chance at the next General Election.

It is not the fact Ed Miliband has doomed Labour to at least two terms out of office that pleases me (I predicted he would win, with union backing, early in the contest, to the annoyance of a Labour-supporting workmate).

It is the fact that David lost that pleases me most. He had the opportunity to depose Gordon Brown when others resigned in an attempted coup before the last election, but lacked the political courage.

Still, he thought the chair at the top of the table was his rightful inheritance as Tony Blair’s very own protege.

That’s the gamble.

Des More, Darlington.