WE live in a complex, inefficient world where economic practice does not meet economic theory due to the lack of knowledge of the state of markets. This is compounded by the self-indulgence of those who have the opportunity for personal gain.

The companies in the car industry do not have regard for the overall demand for cars, but concentrate on maximising output that leads to surplus production as witnessed by the large storage areas of unsold vehicles.

The levels of unemployment and other factors place demands on the government that are not met by incoming revenue, hence the current deficit across many countries.

The way chosen to tackle deficit in the UK is through cuts in government spending. That means more direct unemployment and unemployment in the firms that government, both locally and nationally, uses. This causes further reductions in government income.

Development projects reduce unemployment and increase government revenue through direct and indirect taxation. If we had the courage to develop a more co-operative approach then economic practice would enable more efficient work systems. It would give people more control of systems that would enable the control of deficits.

Bill Morehead, Darlington.

WITH regard to statements about union action over Government spending cuts it must be realised that workers do not like losing income, which is what happens when you strike.

So I believe we should be behind them because in 12 months’ time when you call out emergency services, there is a danger of delay or unavailability; when rubbish bins are not emptied on a regular basis and vermin increase, pest control officers’ jobs have been cut back; when you go to work by car the roads are in need of repair, but councils have cut back on them; and in winter you may not get to work as the roads are left uncleared and unsalted due to cutbacks.

Also, when you want to go to your local theatre, leisure centre or community centre, they are closed or curtailed due to councils losing grants, and women and elderly people will be afraid to go out at night because of street lighting cuts.

These are just a few examples.

But in 12 months it will be too late to do anything, so now is the time to act and not allow a bunch of untried people with no idea of normal living do what they are doing.

C Binney, Darlington.