MAY 17 to 23 has been designated as Xtraordinary Week, which aims to raise awareness and focus on the strengths and talents of dyslexic children everywhere.

To coincide with the event I have written a free and simple fact sheet which provides information about dyslexia.

Children who have dyslexia can have problems with reading, writing or spelling. It is believed that one in ten children have some form of dyslexia, which is Greek for “difficulty with words”.

Parents naturally want the best for their children. They know that good literacy skills are the building blocks to educational success and a satisfying career. But many parents are in the dark about their child’s special educational needs and how best to help them.

If any readers of The Northern Echo would like a free copy of the fact sheet, they can write to me at: Dyslexia Simplified Fact Sheet, Appleford School, Shrewton, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 4HL. For a free copy, call: 01980-621020, email secretary@appleford.wilts.sch.

uk or visit the website at Dr Peter Gardner, Chartered Educational Psychologist.