SOME workers cannot leave their work station, not even for a toilet break, without permission.

Even then, a time limit is imposed.

Such workers are often lowly paid and may be “fined” if too many breaks are taken. You may know such a worker, and may understand how employers want value for money from employees.

When I watch football on TV I’m aware of the time-wasting tactics of these “sportsmen”, the biggest of which follows a goal.

Shirts are pulled over heads, they run about making like an aeroplane and seek the adoration of fans or taunt other spectators – the exhibition ending with a dance at the corner post. As a result of this wasted energy more work time is lost as they can only saunter back to position after group hugs all round.

The grotesquely high salaries some of these prima donnas earn means the monetary value of such work-time loss is fantastically high.

It is expensive to attend a match and doubtless some of the dedicated spectators will be low-paid workers. Aren’t fans being cheated of the full 90 minutes of sporting activity and endeavour, or doesn’t fair play and value for money matter? You are cock-of-the-walk or a lowly battery hen without a level playing field.

Gerard Wild, Richmond, North Yorkshire.