WHAT is all this nonsense about the tragedy that befalls us all should we have a hung parliament?

In 1939, this country was in danger of being invaded and taken over by Hitler and his Nazi regime.

We stood alone in Europe.

Politics were then abandoned. A government of various political persuasions was formed. Total victory was the result.

True democracy demands a degree of proportional representation. A hung parliament is just that.

True democracy should also abide by the socialist principle of “to each according to their needs, from each according to their ability”.

I must be living in dreamland to think that that principle will ever be truthfully activated.

We have recently had candidates knocking on doors.

Beware – oratorical eloquence and sartorial elegance can often camouflage a self-interested individual.

The value of a parcel is judged by what it contains, not its wrapping.

AW Dunn,