I AM amazed that Darlington’s Labour-run borough council has forgotten its socialist roots and decided to evict 37 of the town’s most vulnerable citizens from their home at the Salvation Army hostel at Tom Raine Court (Echo, some editions, April 29).

The council’s support for the 700 Club, a charity for the homeless based at the town’s Grange Road Baptist Church, is welcomed, but there will not be sufficient rooms to accommodate all the evicted residents from the Salvation Army hostel.

Compared to the millions of pounds wasted by the Labour council on the town centre, its link road, plus interest due on the town’s debt, etc, surely the £160,000 needed to support this hostel could easily be absorbed in the council’s budget.

Recently, details were given of several town hall staff in receipt of salaries in excess of £100,000.

Maybe one of those, or the Labour cabinet, could be “evicted” to make funds available for 37 homeless citizens – or maybe Labour’s useless £750,000 Brick Train could be modified to accommodate the evicted.

Jean Jones, Darlington.