SOMETHING very special happened in Darlington last Saturday. A true feeling of what I would call “what it means to be British” – people determined to do all they could to help our gallant servicemen and women.

I would like to acknowledge everyone who helped our successful Colossal Cake Sale event staged in Blackwellgate (Echo, May 3) in support of the Help for Heroes charity. They include:

● the promoters – the churches and shops in Hurworth, The Northern Echo and Radio Tees;

● the bakers – the overwhelming number of people of all ages who put so much time and effort into the baking of quite amazing cakes, buns, biscuits and preparing preserves, etc;

● the setters-up – principally the staff of Rockliffe Court Surgery and from CHA and HF Walking Group and the attentive market manager;

● the buyers – too numerous to name, but displaying boundless generosity;

● the celebrities – the Mayor and Mayoress of Darlington, the parliamentary candidates, and chef Kenny Atkinson, of Rockliffe Hall;

● the donors – who handed over more than £1,500 before the day;

● the donors of the political cakes – Rockliffe Hall.

Who will benefit from this amazing generosity? The Help for Heroes charity by at least £3,500. Thank you everyone from me and from Help for Heroes.

Ian MM Bagshaw, Colossal Cake Sale Organiser, Hurworth, near Darlington.