GOVERNMENTS all over the world have over the years spent millions on environmental conferences – all justified, they claim, by the desperate need to clean up our world and climate.

Then, the US grants BP a licence to drill off its coast and ends up with pollution to a frightening degree.

BP’s rhetoric over the safety issue was obviously meant to allay any concerns of its critics and, like all firms, the risk cost would be weighed against the safety costs and the lesser assessment considered the risk worth taking. Now we get the blame game while a vast area is destroyed for decades if, in fact, it ever recovers.

It puts into perspective my little effort to clean up the planet and the bullying tactics and threats by local authorities when, in spite of all the fine words of the world’s leaders and promises to do something, risks like this are still taken because we still can’t live without this precious commodity.

The millions spent on the environmental conferences could be better used to actually find an answer instead of just the talking, wringing of hands and ever-increasing pressure on Mr Everyman to collect his plastic wrappings.

No doubt the same Mr Everyman will pay extra on his petrol because of this shameful waste.

Mrs Shelagh Harnby, Stockton.