FAR from entering into a ping pong-style badinage with Maurice Baker (HAS, March 2), I feel I should point out that I do not consider my letters to be outbursts or frenzied as he so describes them.

Nor are my comments malicious in any way, shape or form; they are based on the facts presented to me on a daily basis.

Unlike Mr Baker, it would seem, I am prepared to listen to all sides of the argument and while I may disagree with opposing opinions, I never treat the opposing argument with “contempt” as he suggests.

I have always maintained that I am a Conservative supporter, but not a member. If I present a “vivid portrayal of Tory philosophy” – his words, not mine – then so be it. I believe in a fair future, but it will not be achieved under a New Labour government.

If believing in fairness, a decent standard of living obtained by hard, honest work and appropriate rewards for such work is Tory, then I am a Tory and will continue to point out the regular failings of their opposition.

Colin T Mortimer, Pity Me, Durham.