BROADCASTING is too important to be left to people whose main motivation is making money.

Alan Bennett described the BBC, like the NHS, as a “national treasure”. They are both examples of socialism which works. Everyone pays in and everyone benefits, and they do things which the market will not pay for. We are lucky still to have them, and other countries envy them. We should cherish, not abolish them.

This doesn’t mean that the BBC should not be scrutinised and it must deliver value for money. It must also cater for everyone, not just minorities.

But think about it – how much pay TV (not to mention radio) would you get for £3 a week?

Also, is Rupert Murdoch likely to sponsor Children in Need, the Proms, or the overseas services, so valued by people in countries where there are not free media?

It is time to speak up for the BBC, not knock it.

David Taylor-Gooby, Peterlee, Co Durham.