ONCE again our so-called political classes are demonstrating the contempt they hold for the British voter.

They want to hold party leader debates on TV, but they will only do it if they can set the rules: what a contemptible rabble they are.

They demand to know the questions in advance, which is a set-up to start with. A panel of journalists will pick the questions that will be asked of the party leaders and we have all seen how journalists fall into line when they attend Gordon Brown’s monthly No 10 question time or how MPs act at that weekly comic show, Wednesday’s Parliamentary question time, when the Prime Minister replies to chosen previously seen questions.

There must be no clapping from the audience as it will be an embarrassment for those who don’t give replies worthy of the audience responding in a positive manner.

Even the audience will be chosen; it sounds as if it will be made up of party activists, so out go people who live by common sense and would hold any speaker to account over replies that are not based on the truth.

Peter Dolan, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.

SO, the leaders of the Labour, Tory and Liberal Democrat parties have agreed to hold three 90-minute live televised debates.

Debates on what? I think the most difficult thing will be to spot the difference between them.

Frankly, a plague on all their houses. You will not get rid of sleaze in the House of Commons by voting for the same old MPs.

You will not get change in society by voting for Tweedledum or Tweedledee.

There is not a ha’pworth of difference between the old grey parties represented by their grey leaders.

It’s your choice. Waste more than four hours watching three discredited politicians pretending that their policies are significantly different in front of a selected audience banned from clapping or booing, no matter how poor the content.

Or use that time looking at the alternative and different policies of parties like the Green Party.

Remember, the choice is yours. If you want to change the politicians, then change the way you vote.

Leslie Rowe, Green Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Richmond