DAVID Lowdon (HAS, March 2) states that the values of the BNP are more like those of the Nazis than with those of “old” Labour as previously suggested by Adam Walker (HAS, Feb 25).

Since, during the Thirties, it was the Conservative Party which financially and ideologically supported Nazi Germany and the fascists of Spain, then by this same argument aren’t the values of the BNP far closer to those of traditional Conservatism than with old Labour?

But who poses the real threat to British values, the BNP or Islamic extremism? We are all aware of numerous claims made that the Government and councils have a pro-Islamic stance which is to the detriment of other faiths and cultures.

But how many watched last Monday’s Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, Britain’s Islamic Republic, which showed how Muslim extremists have infiltrated the main political parties?

Their intent is to place extremists in positions of power from where they can legally impose Islamic culture and laws, turning Britain into an Islamic state.

While such extremists don’t represent the vast majority of Muslims and are untypical of many Muslims serving within government or local councils, the implications do raise legitimate concerns.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.