THE BNP’s Adam Walker seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur. He thinks that he and his little band of extremists are so important that the Government was compelled to organise a cabinet meeting in Durham just to challenge them (HAS, Feb 25).

He then makes the hilarious claim that the BNP now embodies the values of “old”

Labour. Those values included principles of equality and internationalism which are anathema to the BNP.

The doctrines of the BNP derive directly from Nazism.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord (George) Carey aptly described BNP leader Nick Griffin as a “squalid racist” and a “21st Century pipsqueak heir to Hitler and Mosley”.

Some people may be fooled by the BNP’s efforts to disguise its true nature, and may be tempted by its policies on specific issues.

Those people should understand that voting BNP means voting for the whole neo-Nazi package.

To quote Lord Carey again: “The views of the BNP are not simply false, they are dangerous, indeed irredeemably evil.”

Pete Winstanley, Durham.