THE Tories are considering prison ships as a possible solution to our shortage of prison places. Would it not be better creating more jobs in this country by building more prisons – as there are plenty of wide, open spaces about – thus putting a lot of our builders back into work as the building trade has declined in recent years due to the recession?

We need more prisons because at present we offer no deterrent to criminals. It is important they are locked away, even though they are fed three hot meals every day, are kept warm and have no bills sliding through their letterbox, unlike this country’s law-abiding citizens.

A lot of do-gooders think it is a waste of taxpayers’ money locking up thugs for trivial crime such as petty theft and causing damage, but I wonder if they would be so forgiving if it was their home and personal belongings that were tampered with?

Brian Corrigan, Tow Law, Co Durham.