I WOULD like to thank the staff of Children and Young People’s Services of Durham County Council on their dealing with school closures during the recent bad weather.

I rang a couple of times to ask if my son’s school was closed and always received a prompt, friendly response.

I understand that on one day more than 200 schools decided to close – it must take ages to update the council’s website when so many schools are closed. It would, however, be useful if all schools had their own websites which could be updated first thing each morning.

At a time when the county council is under a lot of criticism I thought it was time for a bit of praise.

Jim Scorton, Barnard Castle, Co Durham.

I WAS pleased to recently learn that the Learning Disabilities Day Services section of Durham County Council has been rated in the nation’s top five following its Charter Mark inspection.

As the father of an adult son with special needs who uses this service I do hope and, indeed, expect that in the forthcoming difficult financial times every step will be taken to ensure that the high level of care and support is maintained or even enhanced by innovative thoughtful management.

The very many vulnerable people who need and rely on this service deserve nothing less as, indeed, do the caring and dedicated frontline staff who deliver it.

John Routledge, Witton Gilbert, Durham.