THE extremist group Islam4UK has abandoned its march through Wootton Bassett, claiming it had “successfully highlighted the plight of Muslims in Afghanistan” (Echo, Jan 11) – a plight which only exists because Muslim extremists declared war on the world.

However, its real achievement is to widen the divisions between Muslims and non-Muslims, creating tensions, etc, which will be the basis for recruiting the disaffected into its ranks.

No matter what doctrine may say or people believe, Islam – like any religion or political system – is an abstract; it is a human construct. No religion, ideology or culture has a monopoly on morality, truth, compassion, humanity and enlightenment.

There is no one true faith, as many paths lead to God. Many serve God, but those who kill, oppress, impose another religion, ideology or culture on others in the name of God don’t represent any God.

There are more than five billion people on this planet who are not, nor wish to become, Muslims or embrace Islamic culture. So it’s time that Islam4UK and other Muslim extremists realised that we all have a right to be on this planet, no matter how different our beliefs or culture may be from theirs.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.