ANOTHER five brave young British soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan on Tuesday. In this case, they were apparently killed by a rogue trainee policeman.

How many more have to die before we accept that we are not wanted there and that our presence is actually doing more harm than good?

This is an unwinnable war fought against an enemy that has unlimited manpower resources and is willing to continue sacrificing as many men as necessary to force our exit.

The Russians left with their tails between their legs and we will eventually realise we have no choice but to do the same. Until then, more flag-draped coffins, more widows and more orphans.

David Lacey, Durham.

OUR troops in Afghanistan are dying needlessly in an unwinnable war. Let us hope former Foreign Office minister Kim Howells’ call to withdraw them will not be ignored.

He rightly questions the central tenet of the case for our presence in Afghanistan: that it is the front line of a war that would otherwise be fought on British streets.

It would be better, as Mr Howells argues, to concentrate on protecting our own borders.

On Tuesday, five more men died, shot by a trainee policeman.

How bad can things get before our Government sees sense?

Ted Jeavons, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough