TO my surprise and delight, last week’s column by Rob Merrick (Echo, Oct 29) was both interesting and nicely balanced.

Should the Tories win the next General Election they intend scrapping the regional development agencies and handing economic development, strategic planning and other powers directly to the local authorities that serve the North-East. The 12 authorities would be required to be very transparent and accountable for their decisions, particularly those that impact upon spending.

I view the Tory plans with horror and a step back to the days when neighbouring councils fought tooth-and-nail over trivial matters while the big decisions were taken in Westminster.

Having foolishly rejected the offer of an elected regional assembly directly accountable to the people, we are now faced with the prospect of power being grabbed back by Whitehall departments while our councillors argue over the colour of wheelie bins. We will get exactly what we deserve.


David Lacey, Durham.