I THINK it is fair to say that my support for the Conservative Party has been consistent within HAS.

I have, by my own admission, lectured self-proclaiming socialists on their support for a Labour Party that no longer represents the “voice of the left-out millions”.

But I now find myself more drawn to the UK Independence Party as a direct result of David Lacey and his articulate HAS offerings.

Labour has reduced a once Great Britain to being the “slapstick” of Europe. David Cameron is showing no real signs of commitment to redressing the balance. As a result, and in the interest of defending this country’s sovereignty, I may be jumping ship, so to speak.

The Conservatives have always picked up the ruin of a Labour administration; that is historical fact.

However, we have all been but sold down the river towards an “EUnited Kingdom”, by Labour’s broken manifesto pledge to give us a referendum and the ever presence of Ken Clarke within the Tories.

Ukip seems the most palatable alternative to anything else.

Des More, Darlington.