CONGRATULATIONS for publishing the story about former government advisor Andrew Neather’s claim that this Government deliberately plotted to open up the UK to mass immigration and radically change our country (Echo, Oct 24).

I suspect there is even more to it than that. Disraeli, in his book Coningsby, said that “the nation that mixes its blood eventually disappears”. As this Government has been promoting just that, perhaps its underlying intention is the extinction of the British people from these islands.

Mrs S Sibthorpe, Darlington.

RE your story about former government advisor Andrew Neather’s claim that ministers planned to alter the demographic make-up of Britain over the past 12 years by deliberately relaxing border controls to open up the UK to mass immigration in order to plug the labour market and also to rub the noses of the political right in diversity (Echo, Oct 24).

If a right-wing party spokesman was to suggest that such a plan was in place, he or she would be ridiculed. Thank you for bringing this matter to the attention of your readers.

J Bell, Darlington.