THE BNP was taken to court over not accepting coloured people. Why? Because the BNP is now a threat to the main parties.

If people were that worried why didn’t they do it ten years ago when the party was just starting up? Because they never thought they would get two MEPs, and councillors all over the country.

All the BNP wants is a curb on immigrants coming into this country and taking our jobs.

People still compare the BNP to Nazis. I’ve seen nothing to say this is so. All I see is the press and the media telling lies about the BNP and its members.

This Government is sending troops to Afghanistan to be killed in a war that has nothing to do with this country, but the voters must think it’s right because they keep voting these vile, evil men back in. They should be charged with manslaughter.

If I killed anyone, I’d get done for murder. The only reason people hate us is because we tell the truth. Other parties tell lies.

John Hoodless, BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Darlington.