SEDGEFIELD Labour MP Phil Wilson’s comments in favour of MPs employing their family members (Echo, Oct 26) are outrageous. It clearly illustrates that MPs still fail to understand the anger over their abuse of the expenses system.

I hope Sir Christopher Kelly bans MPs from employing family members; it is wrong and should not happen. Any MP who claims they need to employ relatives because of the demanding job they do is out of touch with reality in this country.

Our nurses and soldiers do extremely demanding jobs for a fraction of an MP’s salary and yet there’s no loophole that allows them to give their relatives a well-paid job on the side. So why should MPs have this option?

The argument that this behaviour – like claiming thousands for food and furniture – was “within the rules” doesn’t cut it with the public. MPs should be able to decide for themselves what is fundamentally right and wrong, rather than trying to squeeze every possible penny from the public purse.

If elected at the next General Election, regardless of what the rules permit, I will not employ any relatives, and pledge to advertise any jobs that come under my remit and appoint in a fair and transparent way.

Councillor Carol Woods, Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Durham City.