THE green shoots have died and gone brown since the seeds fell upon stony ground and just when the editors of various newspapers prepared the headline, “It’s over”, figures issued by the Government showed that the recession was still continuing (Echo, Oct 24).

When it is finally over we may look back and say that the recession of 2009 was worse than that of 1930.

Of course, for the thousands of workers who have lost their jobs and the small business people who have seen their dreams go up in smoke, the recession will not be over for many years.

Indeed, many of the unemployed will never get another job.

Where are the unemployed?

Have they all dispersed and gone to their homes to sit it out?

Where are the successors of the organisers of the Jarrow March?

Is there no Wal Hannington today to lead the unemployed in the fight for jobs?

The unemployed should demonstrate their need for work to support their families and march in their thousands on the House of Commons.

John W Antill, Darlington.