IN December, a UN climate change treaty is due to be signed by world leaders in Copenhagen.

In sections 36 to 38 is an agreement to create a world government to enforce this treaty’s contents. This is thought justified by the belief that mankind has caused the world to heat up due to our additional contributions of carbon dioxide and that such drastic action is vital to avert disaster.

As the developed world is considered to blame, each richer country must contribute two per cent of its Gross National Product towards the expenses involved in helping the Third World adapt to “greener” energy.

An “Enforcement Panel” will be given the powers to intervene in a country’s economy should it fall behind in its obligations.

This might be justified if the world really was on the verge of disaster, but it isn’t. We’re actually cooling. Moreover, a great many scientists have succeeded in proving that our carbon emissions are nothing to do with our climate. Google search Lord Christopher Monckton.

This embryonic world government could never be disbanded in the future as there could be no democratic impact upon it. Power is a drug which is rarely given up willingly. This treaty must be stopped.

Charlotte Bull, UK Independence Party, Darlington.