ONLY an idiot would poke a stick into a wasps’ nest and hope to get away scot-free, yet former Prime Minister Tony Blair – above – attended the reception after the recent London commemoration service for personnel killed in Iraq.

Bereaved father Peter Brierley refused to shake his hand because he said it had “blood on it” while bereaved mother Deirdre Gover told Mr Blair he had created an unjust conflict, but got nowhere and she says he should be tried for war crimes.

This megalomaniac fool should be tried for war crimes along with his ministers at the time – or conspiracy to wage an unjust and illegal war.

At the war crimes trial at the end of the Second World War the judge stated that the leader of any country and his administration should be tried for war crimes if they went to war against another country for unjust reasons.

Why not put in a coupon so that readers can campaign either yes or no for Mr Blair to be impeached?

If he dodges justice, then means should be found to block him from ever taking over any other positions of importance or standing. He should not be allowed to slither from one position to any other lucrative post.

Fred Holdstock, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire.