THERE seems to be a lot of half-truths going around about the above subject.

If average temperature has not risen since 1998, as columnist Peter Mullen stated (Echo, Oct 20), that doesn’t mean that global warming has ceased or not existed.

Despite various complex natural cycles (sunspot and otherwise), carbon dioxide concentrations in the earth’s atmosphere have increased relentlessly for thousands of years (from ice core sample analysis) and never more so than since the Industrial Revolution.

I am not sure about magnetic pole influence on earthquakes and climate change, as mentioned by CT Riley (HAS, Oct 22). I thought shifting tectonic plates caused earthquakes and volcanoes.

Some people out there may well “spin” the climate change agenda for financial or political gain – but, in simple terms, more carbon dioxide means we really are heating up.

As for a solution, it won’t come from windmills. Stop deforestation worldwide, plant more trees everywhere and build nuclear power stations now for an eventual all-electric world.

Tim Glanvill, Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire.