I SHOULD very much like to support the contents of Paul Haworth’s letter (HAS, 17 October).

Had Gordon Brown and the Government not acted when they did to save the banks, with David Cameron at the time advocating no action, none of us would now have any money at all except that which we had under the mattress.

I find it quite amazing that the the public can ignore the plaudits Mr Brown is receiving from other world leaders and finance ministers.

They emulated him and saved their own financial institutions.

He wins foreign praise for having the guts to act the way he did, along with members of his cabinet and the Bank of England, when there was no precedent to guide them.

Some years ago I was a tribunal member for incapacity benefit re-assessment, and we certainly did see people who were “swinging the lead”, but overwhelmingly the people we saw were very much in need of help.

Tory policy has always been, and will always be to cut costs by taking from the poor under the guise of helping them to help themselves, as though we are all bred to be natural entrepreneurs.

We should stop talking down this country. The Tories tell us that Britain is broken. Well, no it is not!

And it certainly is not bust.

We shall never achieve utopia because we are human, but we can and must, continue to strive for it. Politically that means a Labour Government, because it is the one to keep the dream alive.

CD Kirk, Brompton.