RE the post strike: what’s it all about? We hear of the management reorganising to improve efficiency, which is a quite sensible idea to safeguard’ jobs, and pensions.

On the other side we see the union calling a strike in protest of the management’s decisions to improve efficiency.

But what is the point of a strike?

It is a waste of time and it achieves nothing.

What does the union hope to achieve by upsetting its customers who will go elsewhere with their business? Ultimately we won’t need so many postal employees.

This strike is a self-destructive action by a union which has no regard for its members. I can’t see any common sense on display in this issue.

Name and address supplied.

I MUST rush this letter to its destination before the postal strike.

This postal dispute seems to have been going on for ages.

If the workers are this unhappy, the management must be getting something seriously wrong.

This could develop into as serious an industrial dispute as the miners’ strike in 1985.

Thank goodness Margaret Thatcher is not involved this time around.

Max Nottingam, Lincoln.