AS regular readers of Hear All Sides will be aware I am not a great supporter of David Cameron.

However, in recent weeks he has shown himself to be the Prime Minister in waiting.

He is everything which Gordon Brown can only aspire to be – decisive, personable and competent.

Cameron has done something that has not been done by the previous two occupants of Number 10. He has told the truth.

He has alerted Britain to the consequences of the Blair/Brown mismanagement of the economy.

He has said that we must pay for the waste and extravagance of Labour’s policies.

He has called for Britain’s population to work together to overcome the problems which will be acknowledged as Labour’s legacy.

Edward Halliday (HAS, October 21) is obviously blind to the fact that we simply cannot afford to give out benefits to everyone.

I believe that means testing should exist so the needy will benefit the most.

With regards to the fox hunting ban being reversed, then so be it.

This ban was a Labour–orchestrated attack on the perception that only “toffs” hunt. It exposed Labour’s attempt to divide the countryside.

Cameron will restore the Great into Britain by truthful and frugal means.

Colin Mortimer, Pity Me.