PENSIONERS beware! The Government (and the Tories) are after your winter fuel allowance, your bus passes, and your free TV licence.

The spin programme has already started (Echo, October 21). According to the Audit Commission, winter fuel payments are unsustainable.

The man from the Audit Commision says that all pensioners houses are poorly insulated and cold!

How does he know this?

Answer: He doesn’t, it is government spin to prepare you for the loss of your winter fuel allowance.

Politicians should beware.

Statistics show that the older generation has a greater propensity to vote in elections than the rest of the electorate – they also have long memories!

Incidentally it was in the news today that bankers intend to pay themselves up to £6bn in bonuses this year. The winter fuel allowance costs less than a third of this sum.

Harry Watson, Darlington