LAST week’s decision by Scottish and Newcastle to end production of Newcastle Brown Ale on Tyneside marks the end of an 82-year tradition and the beginning of a wider problem for the region.

It is a sad day when Brown Ale cannot be produced at its home. I am deeply disappointed for the loyal workforce who must now be fearful for their jobs.

Brown Ale has put Tyneside and the wider region on the map.

It is great to walk into pubs around Europe and the rest of the world and see a reminder of home.

I was left saddened by the company’s decision, however, I feel the responsibility lies firmly with this Labour Government.

The burden of red tape, stifling taxation and the recession are all factors in S&N’s decision to move production to Tadcaster.

These are issues affecting all pubs and clubs across the North East every day. It is about time Gordon Brown and the Labour Government woke up to the damage being done at the heart of our communities as a result of the Britain they have created.

With nearly six pubs closing nationally every day of the week, and local pubs under threat, the Government should be doing more to help them survive.

Thirty-three per cent of the price of every pint goes in tax to the Chancellor.

We need a Government which will lift the burden of red tape and develop a more balanced, fair and innovative approach to taxation which does not punish responsible drinkers and landlords.

Pubs play a vital social and economic role in our communities and we should back them all the way.

Martin Callanan, Conservative MEP.