I WAS pleased to see the Northern Echo give space to two writers expressing their views about a platform being given to the leader of the BNP on BBC Question Time (Echo, October 22).

To my mind we have the option of believing in freedom of speech and expression or we try to set limits and argue that some opinions are beyond the pale.

I take the view that everyone has the right to express their point of view and be heard. In fact, the denial of this right is the very thing that can lead to totalitarianism.

From what I know of the BNP’s point of view I disagree with it. I see the benefits of immigration and I welcome the multi-cultural society we have at the present time.

I think that the accusations made by the BNP about immigrants should be known about and openly refuted.

I remember that the ban on the Communist newspaper The Daily Worker during the Second World War made it something more interesting than it deserved. I could not wait to get my hands on a copy.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.

NICK Griffin is absolutely right when he talks about another “Battle for Britain”. This country does have problems involving immigration, the economy and criminal justice.

However, the odious Griffin and his band of bigots pose no the solution to these problems but only threaten to make this country worse. The heroes Griffin refers to – including the Gurkhas and veterans throughout the Commonwealth – fought and lost their lives to make this country free.

Of course, Daily Mail columnists can complain about EU bureaucracy and other such nonsense, but this country is free. It is free for people of different faiths, races, sexual orientations and parentage. It is free for anyone to pursue any career or lifestyle practicable.

However, as the main parties and campaign groups close ranks on the BNP, they must offer solutions to the problems this country faces.

For when they do, the British electorate can defeat the BNP and win the Battle for Britain.

Alex Mortimer, Darlington.