RE. Staffies (HAS, October 15), Ken Jones defends Staffordshire bull terriers. ok, that is understandable.

He says that the owners are to blame for untrained aggressive dogs. I agree there are some moron dog owners.

I have to ask though, what on earth is he doing letting his precious totally unaware oneyear- old grandchild play with his Staffie?

It is beyond belief that a socalled adult could let this happen. I hope and pray that his grandchild does not come to any harm. All dogs, whatever the breed, should be treated with the respect they deserve.

Catherine Davison, Darlington.

MY daughter acquired an unwanted 18-month-old Staffie.

Although house-trained, the dog had a fear of social graces.

She looked puzzled if a ball or stick was thrown so obviously didn’t understand the concept of play time.

However, she is loving and friendly. When we have visitors, friends or strangers, she rolls on to her back in a submissive position to have her tummy rubbed. God forbid a burglar entering as I suspect she’d do the same.

She’s wonderful with people but not good with other dogs – perhaps something to do with her previous owners?

P Richardson, Darlington.