NOW that the banks are awash with taxpayers’ money (excluding Barclays) they seem hell bent on pursuing the bonus bonanza which has brought them into disrepute.

Isn’t it strange that when executives and other high earners seem immune from the effects of the recession the Tories are warning ordinary working people to expect hard times ahead?

When Mr Cameron and his multi-millionaire shadow cabinet says we are all in this together, it does not ring true to me.

Financial indiscretions and often criminal behaviour produce recessions. And who is left to bear the brunt of this? The workers, of course.

It wouldn’t be the first time unemployment has been used as a weapon to re-adjust the economy in favour of the “haves” at the expense of the “have nots”.

Quite simply, I say beware of the Tories. Mr Cameron constantly preaches populist sentiments, but by his deeds you shall know him.

Apparently, at the recent G20 summit Mr Brown was voted “Statesman of the Year”.

I didn’t read about that in our Tory dominated press.

Mr Brown was negligent in not controlling the Financial Services Authority while he was Chancellor, but it was the Americans who brought about this latest recession.

My intuition tells me the country needs a change, not necessarily the Tories but that’s all we have.

Let’s hope the Lib Dems do well.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.