MPS’ expenses are back on the agenda once again. Nothing drastic will ever change about this ridiculous system.

Some MPs have the arrogance to blatantly refuse to pay expenses back. Their excuse? It was all within the rules.

Don’t they have any morals?

At a time when the ordinary man in the street is struggling, MPs are claiming for second homes, utility bills and food allowances. It’s about time they tried to live on a minimum wage, Job Seekers Allowance or a pension for a month or two. Let them see how people in the real world have to manage.

Why not have state owned apartments for MPs while they are in the office? When they are no longer an MP, these apartments can be vacated, ready for the next elected politician to move in.

A simple common sense idea – cheaper by far for the taxpayer.

This is one way of reducing unnecessary expense.

All three parties in the government are urging the public for restraint.

Why not practise what they preach?

Mrs A C Lea, Darlington.

I WOULD like to have an answer to the question: why do MPs need two wages?

Everyone else has to manage on one and they are no different to anyone else.

If I have to go away to work I have to pay for my own lodgings.

Considering the wages MPs are getting, they are very well paid for doing two or three days work.

Not bad if you can get it. No wonder there is always someone ready to jump in when someone leaves. Why don’t they try living on a pensioner’s wage? Then they would see what it is all about.

I don’t think it matters who gets in, they are all the same.

Why go to work when you can get more by sitting at home doing nothing?

S Addison, Gainford.