ON October 6, while walking home from my job as a charity shop volunteer in Bridlington, I was caught out in a sudden torrential rainstorm the like of which I have never experienced first-hand before, either in Britain or abroad.

It lashed it down non-stop for an hour, creating conditions more reminiscent of those amazing Indian monsoons I have seen on the National Geographic Channel. Those who claim climate change is not affecting the British Isles need to seriously think again.

The heavy deluge left some areas of the town under inches of water, blocking many drains and turning roads into boating lakes.

I for one have never been more soaked through in my life – it was just like jumping into the sea with all your clothes on.

Luckily, I had my mobile phone with me and was able to capture the incident for posterity. An unforgettable afternoon.

Aled Jones, Bridlington, East Yorkshire.