TO all those people who are contemplating a future change in government, I would advise caution.

At the Tory conference David Cameron made it clear that to get Britain back on its feet he will slash benefits and institute a pay freeze in the public sector.

Speculation is that this means cuts in everything that they previously voted against, which means the abolition of the winter fuel heating allowance, free television licences, free bus passes for the pensioners and the minimum wage. On top of all this, although the cost of living will still rise, a pay freeze will be introduced for some workers.

If this is what they call progress, God help us, and anyone who is taken in by such methods deserves everything they get.

In this day and age I would like to think that voters are mature enough to know that a leopard can never change its spots and a Conservative government can never change its policies.

Tom Seale, Middlesbrough.