RE Bishop Auckland Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Mark Wilkes’ letter (HAS, Sept 15) criticising my views about MPs’ childcare costs (Echo, Sept 7).

With colleagues like him, it’s no wonder that Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson complained recently that the party has only nine female MPs compared to Labour’s 94 and that none have young children.

My point is that Parliament should represent all sections of the community and perhaps it’s because Labour has lots of women MPs that we have promoted so many good, family-friendly policies.

As a councillor, Mr Wilkes should also come clean about his costs to Durham tax payers. Last year he was paid a total of £18,745 in allowances, plus expenses.

When it comes to being out of touch, as he accused me, the Liberal Democrats win hands down. The Labour Government introduced working tax credits which are claimed by 10,100 families in the Bishop Auckland constituency to cover childcare costs.

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg wants “savage cuts” and they have openly stated that tax credits would be one of their first targets followed by universal child benefit.

Ultimately, people in the constituency will be more interested in the real help from the Government now than Mr Wilkes’ pathetic attempts to smear me personally.

Helen Goodman, Labour MP, Bishop Auckland.