NOWHERE else but the Palace of Westminster is farce such a serious matter.

No one is laughing at the MPs’ expenses spectacle. In fact, it reinforces the public’s view that there is one law for politicians and a system, despite investigation and apparent overhaul, which allows MPs to defy it.

What kind of message does this send out? Honesty and trust needs to count for something because without it attempts to rebuild sections of society are in vain.

The party leaders have claimed that those MPs who do not pay back expenses that they are not entitled to should step down and that is exactly how it should be.

The public are growing tired of hypocrisy.

It is often said that those who mould and influence, and that includes MPs, have responsibility to be good role models. Sadly, we have seen all too often that they failed to live up to the mark. If they cannot fulfil that role then, quite simply, they shouldn’t be there.

Bernie Walsh, Coxhoe, Durham.