PETER Freitag wrongly implies (HAS, Oct 9) that prior to their second Lisbon Treaty referendum the Irish were swamped with “No to Lisbon” information.

The Irish political class and the majority of Irish media worked for a “Yes” vote, as they did at the previous referendum. Then, the UK Independence Party threw every last penny at its disposal into providing each Irish household with a guide to the most worrying aspects of this treaty. At this second referendum generous funding was just not possible as not only is a General Election imminent, but a British referendum is still hoped for.

However, the Irish “Yes”

campaign was promoted with a taxpayer-funded “information”

leaflet from the Referendum Commission, and millions of additional funding from the EU swamped Ireland with vaguely threatening posters such as “Vote Yes for Jobs”.

Ryanair, currently in dispute with Aer Lingus and unwilling to upset arbitrators in the EU Commission, donated 500,000 euros; every Irish MEP visited their old school; and Ireland was graced with a visit from EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

The Lisbon Treaty’s “Flexibility Clause” submits ourselves and future generations to complete EU dictatorship, hence all the secrecy and lies.

Charlotte Bull, UK Independence Party, Darlington.