HAVING arrived at my retirement following nearly 20 years as consultant rheumatologist at Darlington Memorial Hospital my wife and I have been very much touched by the number of patients who have written expressing their affection and good wishes.

I am sorry I did not have an opportunity to see and thank everyone personally and to say goodbye before retiring. I hope you will understand and accept my gratitude through this letter. I hope I have served you all to the best of my abilities and provided a high standard of care to your expectations and satisfaction.

Leading the rheumatology service single-handed and providing care to more than 250,000 residents in South Durham (Darlington, Bishop Auckland, Sedgefield and the Dales) presented enormous challenges, but the support of the dedicated nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy staff and excellent secretarial support made it possible for me to build a successful, well-functioning unit. My sincere gratitude to them and also to the staff of medical physics who helped to establish the osteoporosis service.

This all leaves me with many very pleasant memories of kind, helpful colleagues and patients who have been a delight to serve.

My thoughts and good wishes are with you all and may God keep you in good health. Thank you all.

Dr Mohammed Abdul Sattar, Rheumatologist, Darlington.