OFTEN, talk at the moment is about the level of anti-social behaviour in and around the villages of County Durham.

But I would like to praise the young people of Brandon Carrside Youth and Community Project who gave up their time to help build and fill the poppy boxes in readiness for our 2009 Poppy Appeal.

The young people from this youth club have done this for three years and not enough recognition is given to how our youngsters contribute positively to our community.

My wife, Jill, and I are joint poppy coordinators for the Brandon and District area and if anyone would like to volunteer to help distribute and collect the boxes, if only for an hour of their time, please ring me on 07827-307812.

Last year, our area raised £6,000 for the national appeal and we would like to thank everyone for their support and generosity.

Councillor Ronnie Rodgers, Brandon Division, Durham County Council.