I WRITE to thank your readers for the support received by British Heart Foundation (BHF) Shops last month for The Big Donation – the UK’s biggest ever stock appeal – in which we aimed to raise 350,000 bags of good quality stock, the equivalent of £7m in donations, in 30 days.

We have been overwhelmed.

Thousands of people, including celebrities such as Jonathan Ross, have helped replenish stock in our shops.

More than 360,000 bags were donated, including clothes made by the fashion world’s most exclusive names. These items are being sold on the BHF eBay auction site at bhf.org.uk/ebay up to October 18.

Our shops need continued support. Over the past year, we have seen a 20 per cent drop in donations. Without stock our shops cannot survive and continue to generate millions towards the fight against heart disease, the UK’s single biggest killer.

It’s not too late to bag a designer bargain at our auction and we urge everyone to continue to donate books and clothes to their local BHF Shop or book a free online collection for furniture and electrical items at bhf.org.uk/shops.

Diane Locke, Acting Chief Executive, BHF Shops, London.