ROBERT Harwood picks out singular dog attacks and demonises the whole of the Staffordshire bull terrier breed (HAS, Oct 12).

This is disgusting. I would like him to come and get acquainted with my singular two-year-old Staffy, Tasha. I would like him to see my one-year-old grandbairn, Evie, pulling Tasha’s ears, riding on her back and generally pulling her to bits.

Saying that all Staffies are dangerous dogs, as he does, is total nonsense. Anyone with any sense knows that it’s the owners and not the dogs that are the problem. Any dog, whether it be Alsatian, rottweiler, doberman, Jack Russell or even a Yorkshire terrier, can be trained to be vicious.

Personally, if any dog has to wear a muzzle for safety reasons then that dog shouldn’t be allowed in public, unless the owner is also trained.

Ken Jones, Sedgefield, Co Durham.

IN reply to Robert Harwood (HAS, Oct 12) I felt I needed to set the record straight about Staffordshire bull terriers. These dogs are not dangerous by nature – it is the owner of the dog that makes it so.

Staffies, as they are affectionately known, are very gentle and are very good with children if treated correctly. A quick check on a well known internet encyclopedia will give Mr Hawgood the knowledge he needs. Please do not label a whole breed because of the foolish actions of any thug owner. I understand that he speaks from experience, but perhaps he has been unfortunate to cross paths with a dangerous owner rather than the dog.

It may be that Durham County Council needs to do something, but how about with the owners and not the dogs?

Nicola James, Sherburn Hill, Co Durham.