WE are running up to November 5 when bonfires are lit with much merriment.

But, once again, the teenagers of parts of Crook, County Durham, are setting fire to anything that will burn on a piece of open land used as a pathway, dog walking area and a play area for some of the local kids.

These morons have been witnessed tearing down fencing and signposts, and removing items from skips and setting fire to them just to see them burn.

The police, fire brigade and local council are trying to respond to these illegal fires, but when they arrive on the scene the perpetrators just scatter.

The authorities are doing their best, but all their initiatives are completely useless in stopping these idiots so something more direct and drastic needs to be done.

The idiots don’t have to put up with the nuisance value of their actions and with the remaining rubbish which is a danger to both animals and people alike.

Will they do it on their own doorstep? No. Their parents would probably go mad. So why do it on my doorstep?

Des Murphy, Crook, Co Durham.