THE political party conferences are over and the major parties have had their say. Sadly, people are still losing their jobs, their businesses, their homes and their pensions.

The economy is not looking up, banks are still on the brink. We have a huge debt around our necks and yet Gordon Brown continues to create more debt.

With the working population decreasing, resulting in the Government’s tax revenues falling, how can we afford to service our loans? Are we to borrow yet more money to meet our interest payments?

Both sterling and the US dollar are in a state of collapse. Our Prime Minister has not solved our declining economy.

What’s around the corner?

Certainly no fairy godmother.

The people of Britain, as well as those on the Continent, want the stark truth – no spin, just honest facts. I believe we are big enough to take it, warts and all.

Nothing happens in politics that isn’t planned, so is the real financial plan to see sterling collapse and for us to surrender to the euro – together with the loss of our sovereignty and independence as a nation?

John Waiting, Guisborough, East Cleveland.