CT Riley dismisses Tracey Emin as an “artist” (HAS, Oct 9), and I suspect doubts her talent. I think those who trained her at Maidstone College of Art and the Royal College of Art, London, would disagree strongly.

I made a special trip to Edinburgh last year to visit her first major retrospective exhibition, going with a completely open mind as I was not really convinced by, for example, the famous bed and what I had seen in the press and on TV.

I was completely blown away by her work, not just the sculptures, videos, installations, etc, but also the more conventional sketches, watercolours, oils on canvas, photographs, writings, etc.

One room was filled with large canvases, and I just stood there for a good 40 minutes or so, absolutely stunned by the quality of her art. The sheer volume of work, produced over 20 years, was staggering.

Geoff Carr, Aycliffe Village, Co Durham