YOU can’t have forgotten who was to blame for the “credit crunch”. You know which section of society is greedy, sleazy and entirely self-serving.

How dare anyone expect the public sector workers to make the sacrifices to put things right.

Clearly, there is a move afoot to create unrest among public sector workers in the hope this unfairness will lead to industrial action so they can once more employ fascist force to crush the workers so emulating the disgusting Margaret Thatcher.

Have any bankers and financial leaders been punished for the havoc they caused? They continue, arrogantly untouchable as ever.

Even the car scrappage scheme has benefited the sleazy money lenders as new Renaults, Fiats, and Volkswagens are bought on credit. This scheme has been of little benefit to British workers and has been detrimental to garages and workshops denied the income from repairs and MoTs due to vehicles being scrapped.

Nurses, teachers, dustbin men, paramedics, etc, did not cause the credit crunch. Have the courage to tackle those truly to blame and resist the propaganda that the public sector live on Easy Street swaddled in gold-plated pensions.

Gerard Wild, Richmond, North Yorkshire.