LAST week I watched the pleasant, but dim David Cameron being received at the Tory conference like some latter-day Messiah. I often wonder: has he ever visited planet Earth?

So he intends taking people off incapacity benefit and putting them back to work. No doubt the medicals to do this will be done by a private organisation subcontracted by the Department for Work and Pensions and the parameters will be that if you have a pulse you are capable of work.

But where are these jobs?

What are these jobs? I fear all that will happen is that people will be put on Jobseeker’s Allowance and left to seek non-existent jobs.

Then, there’s Shadow Chancellor George Osborne’s winner – a National Insurance contributions amnesty for the first ten people in firms formed in the first two years of a Tory government, which aims to create 60,000 jobs.

Well, whoopee. As experts predict that unemployment is set to top three million by the end of this year all we have to do is shoot the remaining 2,940,000. Problem solved.

Terence M Fineran, Darlington.